Step-by-Step Guide 1. Create a Dockerfile This Dockerfile sets up an environment to run Microsoft Teams using X11 forwarding to display the GUI on the host machine. # Use the specified base image FROM ubuntu:20.04 # Set proxy environment variables for the build process # ENV http_proxy="http://<address>" # ENV https_proxy="http://<address>" # ENV ftp_proxy="http://<address>" # ENV […]

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 I have faced with error when build yocto : ERROR: imx-image-full-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was: File: ‘exec_python_func() autogenerated’, lineno: 2, function: 0001: *** 0002:do_rootfs(d) 0003: File: ‘/home/nxf71573/Yoctos/5.10.72_2.2.0/sources/poky/meta/classes/image.bbclass’, lineno: 247, function: do_rootfs 0243: progress_reporter.next_stage() 0244: 0245: # generate rootfs […]

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I faced an error when building yocto after source SDK yocto : $ source setup-environment build-imx8qxpc0/ Error: The OE SDK/ADT was detected as already being present in this shell environment. Please use a clean shell when sourcing this environment script. Sometimes you have some error with the current shell environment but you don’t want to […]

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[Yocto] WIC Image Creation Error for Yocto … set 1 boot on returned ‘1’ instead of 0 On some hosts, we can get errors in phase do_image_wic with “ set 1 boot on returned ‘1’ instead of 0” and wic file can not be created. Some log like below: | DEBUG: Python function extend_recipe_sysroot […]

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